
Getting Summer-Ready: Masonry Tips and Projects for Your Wilmington Home

May’s sunlit days in Wilmington, NC, hint at the forthcoming summer fun. Homeowners anticipate vibrant garden parties, balmy evening soirees, and family gatherings. As summer approaches, it’s vital to ensure that your home’s outdoor spaces are not just aesthetically pleasing but also functional and safe. Join RJ JR Masonry as we discuss pivotal masonry tips and projects to make your home summer-ready.


3 Essential Masonry Tips for May:

  1. Inspect for Wear and Tear: Before the intense summer heat and occasional rainstorms, inspect your masonry structures for cracks, chipping, or any other signs of damage.
  2. Seal the Surfaces: Protect your masonry structures from moisture damage and intense UV rays by sealing them. This will preserve the color and integrity of the materials.
  3. Opt for Lighter Shades: If considering new masonry projects, lighter shades can help reflect sunlight and keep areas cooler, especially for patios and walkways.


Masonry Projects Perfect for Summer:

Brick Barbecue Pit: Enhance your outdoor cooking experience with a custom-designed brick barbecue pit. Not only is it functional, but it also adds a rustic charm to your backyard.

Masonry Pool Decks: Thinking of installing or renovating a pool? Consider a masonry pool deck. Durable, slip-resistant, and easy to maintain, it’s ideal for summer fun.

Paved Walkways: Add elegance and functionality to your garden with beautifully paved walkways, ensuring easy movement and enhancing the overall appeal.


Why Collaborate with RJ JR Masonry for Your Summer Projects?

Innovative Designs: RJ JR Masonry brings a blend of traditional techniques and modern designs to ensure your masonry projects are both timeless and trendy.

Swift Execution: Summer waits for no one. RJ JR Masonry is committed to timely project completion, ensuring you make the most of the season.

Uncompromised Quality: With decades of experience under their belt, the team promises quality that doesn’t waver under the harsh summer sun.


As May blossoms unfold and Wilmington gears up for summer, make certain your home follows suit. From safety checks to aesthetic enhancements, let RJ JR Masonry guide your summer home preparations. If visions of masonry barbecues or elegant walkways dance in your head, reach out to RJ JR Masonry at 910-617-0068 and set the foundation for a sizzling summer.